Electronic money is becoming more and more popular, and every year more and more people and companies choose this method for conducting financial transactions. One of the key tools in this area are EMI licenses.
What is an EMI license?
An EMI (Electronic Money Institution) license is a permit issued by regulatory authorities that allows companies to issue electronic money and provide related services. Simply put, a company with an EMI license can offer its customers electronic wallets, accept and send electronic payments, as well as perform other operations related to electronic money.
The main advantages of EMI licenses include:
- The possibility of working within the framework of the common Economic space (European Union).
- Access to an expanded range of financial services.
- High level of trust from customers and partners.

Why Lithuania?
Lithuania is becoming increasingly popular among companies wishing to obtain an EMI license. And there are several reasons for this:
· Convenient regulation and support. Lithuania offers a fairly simple and straightforward procedure for obtaining an EMI license. The Central Bank of Lithuania actively supports financial technologies and contributes to the development of this sector. Thanks to this, companies can go through all the necessary procedures faster and easier and start their activities.
· Geographical location and EU membership. Lithuania is a member of the European Union, which gives companies with an EMI license Lithuania the opportunity to operate throughout the EU. This opens up huge prospects for business development and expansion. In addition, Lithuania’s geographical location makes it convenient for doing business with both European and Asian countries.
· A loyal tax system. Another important factor is the Lithuanian tax system, which is quite loyal to new and developing businesses. This allows companies to save on taxes and direct more funds to the development and improvement of their services.

How do I get an EMI license in Lithuania?
Before applying for an EMI license, you must prepare all the necessary documents and materials. These include:
- The company’s business plan.
- Documents confirming the qualifications and experience of managers and key employees.
- Financial reports and forecasts.
At this stage, it is also important to ensure that the company meets all the requirements set by the Central Bank of Lithuania.
After preparing all the necessary documents, you can proceed to submitting an application. The application is submitted to the Central Bank of Lithuania, which will verify all submitted materials. It is important to note that at this stage additional questions and requests from the regulator may arise, which must be answered promptly.
The Central Bank of Lithuania conducts a thorough check of all documents and materials. This process may take several months. It is important to understand that the regulator pays great attention to safety issues and compliance with all standards and requirements.
If all the documents are in order and the company meets all the requirements, then after a while it receives an EMI license. After that, you can start providing e-money services in Lithuania and other EU countries.
In conclusion, obtaining an EMI license in Lithuania is an important step for any company seeking to work in the field of electronic money. Thanks to convenient regulation, government support and favorable business conditions, Lithuania is becoming increasingly popular among companies wishing to obtain an EMI license Lithuania.